Wednesday 31 March 2021

Wednesday 31 March:

Bloke’s Prayer, so no early morning walk.
All fine (Robin told us about his Friday walk from home to Portishead, then Clevedon, and then back home!).
Drafted out a second Durham sketch in preparation for Sunday’s urban sketching.
Moira and I had our usual morning coffee, but then decided to take a thermos down to Bathurst Basin for another mug of coffee (the sun was shining!)… which we did… and it was very nice and good that M was able to walk there and back without too much difficulty.
In the afternoon, I watched a documentary on Jack Charlton on telly (impressive, quite inspiring… and sad).
Ru worked in her studio in the afternoon and Iris popped in briefly after school (so the two of them could try and sort out some fabric, I think, for her Duke of Edinburgh involvement)(Ru very frustrated with Iris who seems to have been chivvied every step of the way on something that she, Iris, wanted to do… it’s not cheap – it’s already cost Ru £200!).
Was devastated to learn that Nikki Ingram had died… she was rushed into hospital with a dissection of the aorta at the beginning of February (and they also found a large aneurism)… she was due to have an operation on 3 March. I last messaged her on 9 March to find out she was… but never had a reply (and feared the worst). Online funeral on Friday.
Another evening zoom – this time with Jennie.
Image: Two go down to Bathurst Basin.


Tuesday 30 March 2021

Tuesday 30 March:

No early morning walk today as I was meeting Ana mid-morning at the harbourside.
We’d particularly arranged to get together today because the forecast was for ‘sunshine’ all day – and so it proved! It was lovely to catch up… zoom meet-ups are fine, but nothing like the real thing!
I was supposed to have a telephone appointment with my ‘lung’ consultant at 1.20pm… but he ended up ringing me at 11.15am instead! His opening question was “when did you last have a lung test?”… to which I replied: “last Thursday… and if you haven’t seen the result yet, then this phonecall is a complete waste of time!”. Magically, he managed to find them… everything seemed fine (pulse rate ‘raised’ in the walking test – but I didn’t find this surprising as I’d previously been told to walk as far as I could in 6 minutes!). Anyway, he wants me to take a CT scan (on the basis that my last one was in 2017) and to see me face-to-face… so an appointment within the next 6 months.
I also had a dental appointment in the afternoon – which was fine (tooth extracted and extended ‘plate’ provided)… all done pretty efficiently.
Read more of my excellent ‘Pastoral’ book.
Evening telly: Monastery documentary.
Image: Ana and me on the sunny harbourside.

Monday 29 March 2021

Monday 29 March:

Woke up very early and ended up finishing my ‘Wintering’ book and scribbled a brief review over breakfast.
Back to my usual dawn harbourside walk (I had originally intended to walk up through Leigh Woods, but the weather was a little dull so I didn’t). Walked down Leighton Road for the first time for a few days and it was nice to see that they’ve put out the bunting again (acknowledging a year of lockdown?).
Moira and I had usual morning coffee – I expressed my concern and worry about Iris (especially her going for walks on her own – but, as Moira pointed out, it’s important that women CAN get out and walk on their own).
Mithi called round and picked up three picture frames.
I went to the post office (took Easter parcel for Alice+co)… annoyingly, the old motor cyclist in front of me wasn’t wearing a mask (aargh!).
Spent a fair amount of the afternoon reading my ‘English Pastoral’ book and setting up a Durham sketch prior to Sunday’s urban sketching.
Today marks the next stage in Covid ‘roadmap’ – people can do outdoor sport and meet up outside with maximum of 6 people/two households.
Had another zoom session with Alan in the evening (testing out if our subscription works!)
Image: Leighton Road bunting is back!

Sunday 28 March 2021

Sunday 28 March:

Another rather lazy day… I always find waking up on the morning after the clocks went forward (with dawn suddenly becoming an hour later) a little depressing – especially after my year of dawn walking… but, obviously, it’s good to have the lighter evenings.
Fetched the newspaper and then Moira and I went for a briefish walk (M still struggling with her sciatica etc).
Streamed church on Palm Sunday was set around a video walk between HTH and Saint Stephen’s… in lieu of our usual actual walk. Lots of technical issues, but a good idea nevertheless (although I’m afraid I find Frances’s ‘manner’ somewhat irritating)(sorry!).
Stu popped round briefly… they’re concerned about Iris (no eating much, moody, spending too much time on her phone, not communicating… and, today, just deciding to go on a walk on her own). It’s a really difficult age and, in this pandemic year, difficult to know how to cope (for her and everyone else).
I spent most of the afternoon reading my ‘Wintering’ book.
Evening telly: ‘Midsomer Murders’ (frequently infuriating!).
Image: balls that continue to accumulate on the flat roofs of Holy Cross school!

Saturday 27 March 2021

Saturday 27 March:

Something of a lazy Saturday… fetched the newspaper first thing (plus some odds+ends).
Then morning coffee+newspapers with Moira.
Started reading ‘Wintering’ (effectively a book about ‘coping’ – which seems appropriate for lockdown!).
Bacon bagels for lunch.
Watched the film ‘The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind’ in the afternoon (quite good).
Tried to get rid of more stuff outside the front of the house – but not successful (have previously got of rid of 9 picture frames).
Stu came to collect all his book-keeping files (Moira’s retiring!).
Evening telly: ‘Pilgrimage’.
Image: View across the harbour from a couple of days ago (love the trees in blossom).

Friday 26 March 2021

Friday 26 March:

Blustery dawn walk to the harbourside. Met Dave and Sarah briefly (who’d just erected a ‘Back The Climate And Ecological Emergency Bill’ banner on Vauxhall Bridge). Rained quite hard not longer after I’d returned home… but then brightened into a fine, sunny - albeit windy - day.
I posted a blogpost entitled ‘so what now?’… reflecting on how much I’d been focussing on the first anniversary of lockdown.
I finished my Rovelli book during the course of the morning, so wrote a brief review first thing.
Moira went down to Hugo’s to fetch some fruit+veg supplies… and Ru popped into her studio very briefly.
I spent some of the morning doing a rapid wax/tjanting tool and watercolour sketch of some tulips that were about to finally ‘give up the ghost’.
Evening telly: penultimate ‘Art Club’ episode and the second half of the France v Scotland game (which Scotland narrowly won).
Image: dead tulips.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Thursday 25 March:

I went on my usual dawn harbourside walk (and I set out just after dawn)… dramatic sun over the Cut etc but, by the time. I was walking along Wapping Wharf the drizzle had started.
Actually, it had cleared up by mid-morning and turned into quite a bright, sunny day.
Moira and I had our usual morning coffee (discussing my reservations at the prospect of travelling on a bus for the first time in over a year later this after).
Moira went on another morning walk (three days in a row… and, happily, a little further each time).
Put out more picture frames on the street and managed to ‘dispose’ of another  five picture frames (still something 20-25 to go!).
My latest Blurb book arrived!
In the afternoon, I had my 6-minute walking and breathing tests at Southmead Hospital (which both seemed to go well… and the hospital was very well organised from a Covid-safe viewpoint). My main concern was the bus journey (not having been on a bus in over a year). Actually, I didn’t enjoy the experience: the bus company was very organised (designated seats etc) and the vast majority of people wore face masks, BUT perhaps as many as ten people (all 20-somethings, I’m afraid) – all sitting upstairs (as I was, because there were fewer people on the upper deck) - either removed their masks altogether or simply pulled them down over their chins. One young woman spent the entire journey mask-less nattering (at high volume) on her phone. I was SO tempted to challenge these people… but didn’t (I decided it was best to keep ‘well away from them’). I found the whole experience pretty depressing.
I was also pretty sickened by seeing at least three groups (the numbers varied between 8-12) of men sitting/standing in very close proximity with each other… ok, it was in the ‘open air’, so it could have been worse (but…).
Read a reasonable amount of my Rovelli book.
I was home by 6pm and greeted with a fish finger and chips supper!
Evening telly: ‘Repair Shop’.
Image: Lockdown Blurb Books 1+2.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Wednesday 24 March:

A somewhat strange day…
I’d finished my ‘Lemon’ book so wrote up a quick review over breakfast.
Usual Wednesday Bloke’s Prayer session (spent some time discussing the ‘stop the bill’ protesters… especially there were some protesters+police out last night on the street right next to Robin’s apartment).
Spent much of the morning trying to sort out old picture frames (well, at least the ones stored in the back bedroom)… trying to work out how we were going to get rid of them etc. Ended up lining them up along the hall wall (I wonder how long they’ll be there?!).
Also sketched yet another tulip drawing!
Read more of my Carlo Rovelli book (a collection of articles about science, philosophy and much more). He’s a fascinating man but I struggle to follow an awful lot of what he’s saying (he makes me feel far from intelligent!).
Put some ‘stuff’ out at the front of the house  - and managed to get rid of two picture frames and two children’s puzzles.
I chatted to the builders working up the road about the possibility of someone doing a small amount of re-plastering in the studio... hopefully 'Reg' will pop round on Friday to assess things.
Joined a church zoom session with Adrian and others (part of his ‘Local Learning’ training)… I wasn’t particularly looking forward to it, but it proved interesting.
Image: Picture frames etc in the hall… 

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Tuesday 23 March:

Went for my usual harbourside walk (I had considered a longer circuit, but the weather was grey and dull)… water in the harbour was very still/mirror-like.
Morning coffee with Moira as usual, but Ru arrived during coffee to do some work in her studio before going walking – and she managed to persuade Moira to go with her (to Greville Smythe park)… and it transpired that this worked out really well (certainly Moira was boosted by it).
I drafted a blog post reflecting on “so, what now?” after coming through a year of lockdowns. Nothing particularly edifying, just trying to record my current feelings.
Watched a video presentation of a “Song for Bristol” (featuring ‘This Is The Kit’) after lunch.
Spent much of the afternoon reading my ‘Lemon’ book.
Evening telly: watched ‘Lockdown Live: What Next?’ (because it seemed to echo my blogpost questions and our recent discussions – but, frankly, it was predictably disappointing)… and also started to watch ‘Sylvia’ (2003) film about Sylvia Plath (but gave up half way through)
England lost the first of 1day international to India.
Image: Mirror-like harbour water. 

Monday 22 March 2021

Monday 22 March:

Regular harbourside walk… bright start weather-wise but cloudy by the time I got to the marina. Reflected on the violent protests (by a small minority) in Bristol last night… and came across a group 7 beer-drinking, ‘young people’ (4 blokes, 3girls) on Wapping Wharf (at about 7.15am!). Three of the lads had climbed up to the top of the arm on the steam crane. I wondered, rightly or wrongly, if they’d be involved in last night’s protests. Bristol Mayor condemned the violence saying it was self-defeating because they’d into the hands of the government (he also, later on telly, apparently he said: “Experience would suggest that there are a group of people running around the country looking for any opportunity to enter into physical conflict with the police or representatives of what they see as the establishment, whether it’s the bill, whether it’s some other protest, they’ll take the opportunity. Let’s do the debate around a bill, justice, and not attach it to these people who’ve gone out and tried to smash up my city”).
On my way back home, I spotted my first balloon of the year – which turned out to be manned by a single, hanging pilot (ie. no basket)… wondered how/where he was going to land – given that, without a basket, his fuel capacity must be restricted?
Moira enjoyed our usual morning coffee… M feeling pretty low and flat (and, in her words, ‘old’)… feeling that perhaps this pandemic will never ‘end’ and that we’ll always be living with uncertainty.
I’d apparently had a ‘missed call’ from Zabiullah a couple of days ago… so I returned his call this morning (10.45am). Think I woke him up… I’d wondered if he was going to ask me to provide some form of letter in support of his asylum appeal, but now suspect he may have accidently miss-dialled my number! He sounded very vague and it was a pretty awkward conversation. He’s obviously found things difficult over the past year (especially with no college – due to no internet), but was grateful the mosque was open again.
Read more of my ‘Lemon’ book later and started an initial draft for the next USk session (to Durham).
Received an email from CharlotteN saying she was struggling with her internet (and therefore also the zoom link for USK)… so, after chatting to Moira, I’ve taken up a year’s subscription so we can host future sessions.
‘Attended’ Mark Loudon’s funeral just after lunch (video link to the service at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral). Quite moving – especially the eloquent tributes from family members which were read out.
Ru popped in, on her walk back from Paper Plane(!), to sort out some art things for posting… so Moira, Ru and I ended up sitting out in front of the house over a cup of tea (with passers-by smiling at us as they passed).
Evening telly: the usual ‘Connect’ and ‘Challenge’.
Image: First hot-air balloon of the year…

Sunday 21 March 2021

Sunday 21 March:

Fetched the newspaper then Moira and I went a short walk (M’s knee is still playing up) before streamed church.
Read the paper but also responded to Laura’s request for me to comment on her talk at church this morning (which I decided to do while it was still fresh in my memory – although I ended up saying that I was struggling faith-wise and found some of the ‘God’s voice’ and enthusiastic references somewhat difficult).
Spent the first part of the afternoon on an urban sketching ‘trip’ to Singapore (as ever, lovely to ‘meet up’ with everyone).
Pork casserole for supper, followed by ‘Midsomer Murders’ on telly (difficult after ‘Throw Down’ finished!).
Bristol Bears won 28-21 at Northampton (2 converted tries in last 5 minutes!), but Villa lost 0-2 at home to Spurs.
Image: one of my Singapore sketches. 

Saturday 20 March:

No walking today, apart from fetching the newspaper (and buying some bottles of Guinness!).
Morning coffee over the papers with Moira, followed by some more of ‘Italian Lemons’ book and a streetview sketch from Catania, Sicily (linked to my lemon book).
The rest of the day was effectively taken up watching three games of rugby on the telly. Scotland overran Italy; England lost badly to Ireland; but a brilliant France v Wales game saw France win in the final minute.
England also lost the final game of the T20 series against India.
Watched a pilgrimage programme (7 ‘celebrities’ walking Belgrave to Constantinople – but actually getting lifts for much of the way!). Interesting to hear the views expressed by all the individuals concerned.
Image: Possible ‘Banksy’ image has recently appeared in Bristol (but no confirmation from the artist himself!).

Friday 19 March:

Something of a strange, frustrating day…
I didn’t go walking first thing because I had another dental appointment booked (tooth extraction)… but at 9.30am the dentists rang me to a) tell me they had a problem with their electricity (or lack of it) and would have to cancel my appointment and b) apologies that they would be able to give me a replacement appointment until 30 March because my dentist was on ‘holiday’ next week! Hey ho!
Spent most of the rest of daytime hours producing a very strange sketch for our current Drawing Theme (‘A March Wind’) and reading more of my ‘Lemon Book’.
Had another zoom chat with Bob and Christine in the early evening, followed by another ‘episode’ of Grayson’s Art Club.
Image: my strange windy sketch! 

Thursday 18 March 2021

Thursday 18 March:

Today is the first anniversary of when Moira and I first went into lockdown/self-isolation. So much has happened in the past year (and also, perhaps, so little has happened!).
My early morning walk felt particularly poignant – I sat on the bench at the marina and pondered things (by the time I arrived there it was pretty dull and overcast – which was a shame… so no photographs!). There were a couple of fishermen out early.
When I got back home, I uploaded my book draft on to the Blurb website (after making some minor adjustments)(fortunately, there’d been a 35% discount offer in my emails a couple of days ago!)… and pretty amazing to see that within 4 minutes of uploading things, the technology was such that it was already actually being printed out at Blurb’s Dutch office! Posted a digital version on to my facebook page (complete with page-turning!).
Moira and I had our usual chat over morning coffee. Moira was saying she’d been feeling somewhat ‘low’ over the past few days (triggered perhaps by the frustrations of her new phone/finalising Stu’s accounts/frustrations of her new laptop); I was feeling a little the same – mainly down to the fact that I’d been focussing so hard on completing our ‘year of lockdown’ and now had a sense of ‘so what now?’.
I spent part of the morning doing a google/streetview sketch of Palermo, Sicily (prompted by some references to Sicily in my ‘Lemon book’!
We received our regular fortnightly Asda delivery at lunchtime (although, frustrating that bread hadn’t be available – which seems very hard to understand!).
Watched ‘Amelie’ for the nth time in the afternoon (I never tire of this film… and always notice new things it seems).
At 6pm, we ‘tuned in’ to a special “Bristol Remembers” – reflecting on the ways that Covid has affected us all over the past 12 months. Very impressive… and quite moving.
Evening telly: Watched the last half of an old Poirot, then went to bed early to read.
Image: Impressive, sombre sky over the cut this morning… 

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Wednesday 17 March:

No walk due to Bloke’s Prayer. Some good stuff about today’s BP, but a couple of people are keen to get more ‘blokes’ to join us – and, although I understand the sentiment, I really don’t want our numbers to grow. I enjoy the intimacy/’anamcara’ sense… but who knows?
I also ‘discovered’ a rather lovely ‘One Second Every day’ video by Hannah John – which covers the past 12 months… I suspect it’ll become a wonderful reminder of ‘Covid Year’ at some time in the future.
Usual morning coffee with Moira – reflecting on the fact that it’s exactly a year ago today that we last had Iris+Rosa here after school for tea/supper (and posted a reflective blog on ‘onedaylikethis’).
Checked out some possible Singapore sketching location in advance of Sunday’s USk get-together.
At Ru’s suggestion, I watched ‘Britt-Marie Was Here’ 2019 Swedish film (about a 63 year-old woman who becomes a village football coach)… very enjoyable and heart-warming.
Read a little more of my ‘Italian Lemons’ book.
Early evening telly: xxx
Later on, we had another Bloke’s Prayer gathering – this time to discuss Dru’s time on Mount Athos and Dave’s time in Albania.
Image: my positive reflections of a year of pandemic. 

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Tuesday 16 March:

Met up with Dave at the harbourside first thing this morning for a take-away coffee and a chat beside the water. It was Dave’s idea (following my comments last week about feeling something of a fraud at Bloke’s Prayer from time to time) and was rather lovely.
Then had another coffee (and chat) with Moira when I got home…
Spent much of the rest of the morning putting together some words in connection with Mark Louden’s ‘In Memory’ facebook page (in advance of his funeral next Monday) and generally catching up with various news stuff and more reading (and thorough tooth-cleaning!).
My main event of the day involved a trip to the dentist (immediately after lunch)! The main concerns involved a cracked plate and a broken front tooth. In the event, it all went quite smoothly (I DO like my dentist, Dr Horsman!)… plate to be temporarily repaired; x-ray taken of my front tooth (needs to be removed)… another appointment made for Friday at 11.40am!
Evening telly: watched the final episode of ‘Bloodlands’! 
I later joined the ‘Resonate’ session in the evening (one of the Trinity students is a ‘rap artist’)... light-hearted but not my cup of tea. 
Image: Anemones. 

Monday 15 March:

Went for my usual harbourside dawn walk (in fact, the first harbour walk since last Tuesday!)… bright start to the day, sun rising over (or beside, at least) the marina. While walking along Wapping Wharf (between SS Great Britain and Gaol Ferry Steps), I became suddenly aware that there was absolutely no one else visible on the harbourside – no runners, no walkers, no cyclists etc – and, apart from the low hum of the traffic on Cumberland Road/Coronation Road, there was complete silence… something I hadn’t previously experienced on my dawn walks.
Someone had painted graffiti on a harbour wall in protest of the recent death of Sarah Everard (*reclaim these streets*) and, presumably, at the crass handling of the vigil in Clapham over the weekend by the Metropolitan Police.
I spent part of the morning drafting out a blog post to mark our 12 months of lockdown.
At our morning coffee, Moira and I had discussed our intentions to ‘sort out the house’ (ie. cleaning and clearing out redundant bits+pieces)… I made a start and spent an hour or so in the kitchen (but just ‘scraped the surface’!).
Read a little more of my ‘Lemons in Italy’ book in the afternoon.
Evening saw another ‘cousin zoom session’ – this time Janet, Lyn, Jackie, Barry and Alan. We were limited to 40 minutes, but it went quite well (quite difficult to get everyone to contribute a little and not to dominate the conversation, but hey!).
Evening telly: watched the end of ‘Only Connect’ and ‘Challenge’.
Image: Sarah Everard graffiti.

Sunday 14 March 2021

Sunday 14 March:

Fetched the newspaper first thing as Moira didn’t yet feel up to our usual harbourside Sunday walk. We ended up doing our shortened local walk skirting Dame Emily park before a quick morning coffee and newspaper read.
I tuned in to streamed church (interesting talk by Jeanette), but somewhat guilty also tuned in to Sky Arts ‘live’ ‘Portrait Artist of the Week’ (South African dancer Oti Mabuse), so sketched at the same time!
Good response from my urban sketching friends to the Grayson submission.
Ru+Rosa popped round with a Mother’s day card and so we were able to have a brief natter on the doorstep… which was lovely.
Watched the Scotland v Ireland rugby in the afternoon (Ireland narrowly winning).
Roast pork supper… which was lovely.
Evening telly: ‘The Plank’ (Eric Sykes’s wonderful 1967 film) and the last episode of ‘Pottery Throwdown’ (feel very sad that it’s finished!).
Image: An ‘Amazing Mum’ on Mother’s Day (with Hannah’s book). 

Saturday 13 March 2021

Saturday 13 March:

Lazy morning.
Morning coffee over Saturday newspaper (no walk).
Finished my ‘Hamnet’ book (excellent).
Finished (thanks to Sara) the urban sketchers’ application to “Grayson’s Art Club”.
Hannah+Felix+Ursa came round and had a cup of tea on the doorstep… lovely to see them.
The rest of the afternoon was taken up watching rugby over a couple of glasses of Guinness (Italy v Wales and England v France). Very good game at Twickenham – England won 23-20 (with a converted try 5 minutes from time!).
Last night: Villa drew away to Newcastle and Bears beat Wasps!
Evening telly: a documentary on Rome.
Image: cardboard packaging for one of Moira’s gin bottle pressies. 

Friday 12 March 2021

Friday 12 March:

No early morning walk today, of course, because it’s Moira’s birthday!
Really wild night weather-wise… heavy rain until dawn – but then the sun came out and it ended up being a rather lovely day.
I think Moira had a rather lovely day too… she’d received LOTS of packages (hand-delivered or postman or courier) and birthday cards. The bed was quite a crowded place first thing at ‘opening time’.
We enjoyed a birthday morning coffee together before Moira disappeared for a long, hot bath and I trundled along to Hugo’s again to buy provisions for tonight’s supper (I ended up deciding to cook something – from the Anna Jones’ recipe book that Hannah had given her for her birthday).
My teeth/plate had been giving lots of trouble recently (some of the crowns had ‘slipped’ exposing the pegs etc… and one of the front crowns/pegs felt very weak – and meant I could hardly bite/chew anything) and so I managed to book a dental appointment for next Tuesday (with some trepidation… and the prospect of likely expense!).
Read some more of my book in the afternoon.
We had a birthday zoom chat with Ru+Iris+Rosa after school – which was good (Iris very pleased to be back at school; Rosa just pleased it was the weekend!).
The birthday supper I cooked (‘saag aloo shepherd’s pie’) worked reasonably well… but I certainly felt out of practice with trying to cook unfamiliar recipes (need more practice!).
Evening telly: another ‘Art Club’ (so good!).
Image: Saag Aloo Shepherd’s Pie (courtesy of Anna Jones).

Thursday 11 March 2021

Thursday 11 March:

A slightly strange day (another one!)… no early morning walk because I’d agreed to accompany Moira to the Eye Hospital (she was still uncertain/struggling with her knees/hips).
So, something of lazy start for me – and even some reading in bed after I’d finished my breakfast!
Usual morning coffee with Moira… which coincided with receipt of various packages from the postman.
Set out for town at 12 noon (Moira’s appointment = 1.15pm, but needing to appreciate that, due to Covid, there were no waiting areas available inside the hospital… so timing was quite important. In fact, we’d taken some lunch with us and enjoyed the rather strange experience of eating our lunches sitting on a bench in Royal Fort Gardens… in and out of rain showers! Anyway, Moira’s appointment seemed to go reasonably well (I continued to walk around RFG while she was ‘being seen’)… and we made in home in one piece.
I tried unsuccessfully to book a take-out meal at Souk Kitchen for tomorrow… so will probably end up cooking something myself).
More ‘Hamnet’ reading in the remainder of the afternoon.
Evening telly: ‘Repair Shop’ followed the commissioned ‘Landscape Artist’ painting.
Image: Wet flowers growing at RCG.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Wednesday 10 March:

Pretty uneventful day… felt somewhat flat.
Pretty grim weather: drizzle for most of the day and it looks as if we’re expecting storms over the next couple of days.
No early morning walk due to Bloke’s Prayer (everyone in attendance)… I rather got lost in making sense of some of the conversation.
Put together another Spotify playlist (‘music I’d forgotten I had’ male vocalists) based on my Windows Media Player songs.
Exchanged some ‘feedback’ words with Alan after last night (both had similar thoughts).
Read some more of my ‘Hamnet’ book.
Watched the rest of ‘In The Loop’ film (based on ‘In The Thick Of It’)… I’d previously given up watching after 15 minutes initially.
Evening telly: ‘McDonald+Dodds’.
Image: pre-dawn sky from the bathroom window (from yesterday).

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Tuesday 9 March:

Went for my usual harbourside walk… just as the sun was rising. Beautiful morning (despite the cold) and very aware that the sun’s dawn location in the sky had shifted a fair amount over the past fortnight or so. Good to be able to walk in the early morning daylight without having to ease my way through the crowds at the school gate!
Usual morning coffee with Moira… talked about the possibility of ordering food from Souk Kitchen for Moira’s birthday (unsure if you can only order on the day etc?).
Collected our next bookgroup book from Storysmith.
Spent some of the afternoon reading my ‘Hamnet’ book.
Evening telly: episode 3 of ’Bloodlands’.
Enjoyed a 2-hour zoom session with Keith, David and Alan in the evening (which worked well – despite my initial reservations).
Image: Pink lilies sketch.

Monday 8 March 2021

Monday 8 March:

Took a long dawn walk today… up through Leigh Woods (next to Rownham Hill) to the suspension bridge, then along North Road and back down to the Avon towpath and then home. Surprising lack of colour in the woods off North Road (predominantly brown/grey), apart from the groundcover leaves and mosses. Quite a grey start to the day… but brightening up by mid-morning. Local primary school was re-opening after lockdown as I passed – lots of excited children (and parents!)… made me feel somewhat anxious.
Morning coffee with Moira… no real conversation (I felt in a pretty ‘flat’ mood, for some reason, which lasted throughout the day).
I finished my ‘Running’ book (to my great relief – definitely NOT my kind of book) and scribbled a quick review for my blog. I checked the ‘other’ reviews in various journals etc and was somewhat depressed to see it had been highly praised and well-received (perhaps by running ‘nerds’?).
I did a quick sketch (just a line drawing)of the beautiful red/pink lilies, but lost patience and didn’t do them justice.
I started to watch ‘In The Loop’ film via telly (film version of ‘In The Thick Of It’), but gave up after 15 minutes.
Started reading ‘Hamnet’ (Maggie O’Farrell).
Evening telly: Janina Raminez ‘Lost World’ documentary and then the usual Monday evening stuff ‘Connect’ and ‘Challenge’.
Image: Verandah on North Road (with 360deg views).

Sunday 7 March 2021

Sunday 7 March:

45 years ago today we became parents for the first time!
Fetched and read the newspaper first thing… then morning coffee, followed by streamed church (which was good – led by Phil and Lee giving the talk).
Read more of my ‘Running’ book.
Early lunch followed by Urban Sketching in Norwich (which was very enjoyable – although I wasn’t altogether happy with my choice of locations).
Walked over to Ru’s to hand over birthday presents and drink pink gins on the doorstep with her/them.
Roast beef dinner!
Evening telly: ‘Pottery Throw Down’ semi-final.
Image: one of my Norwich sketches.

Saturday 6 March 2021

Saturday 6 March:

Morning spent fetching and reading the newspaper… and watching the cricket (which genuinely painful… with England 150+ runs behind on first innings and then being all out 135 and losing by an innings and 25 runs!).
Watched ‘The Ipcress File’ on telly in the afternoon (which was good, I thought) and then read some more of ‘Running’ book.
Other sport: Villa drew 0-0 at home to Wolves and Bears beat Worcester 23-24 with a last gasp try!
Evening telly: Mary Beard’s excellent ‘Roman Empire’ documentary and ‘Bloodlands’ (with a shocking ending… and still two episodes to go!).
Image: Pansies on our front window cill (been in bloom since October?).

Friday 5 March 2021

Friday 5 March:

Despite the unpromising weather forecast (but, hey, only cloudy – NOT rain!), I decided to defer my daily weekday walk until the afternoon… partly so that I could watch some cricket and partly because I fancied getting outside to sketch again (when it would apparently be 5 degrees warmer than the morning!).
The first part of this cunning plan didn’t really work out well… despite a reasonable start by the England bowlers, India finished the day 89 runs ahead with 3 wickets left (Bess was hugely disappointing – no consistency in line or length etc).
Moira and I enjoyed our usual morning coffee – although a little later than usual (after Moira had breakfasted, bathed and collected stuff from Boots on North Street).
I ended up walking to Pooles Wharf to sketch immediately after lunch… wearing LOTS of layers, woolly hat, scarf and fingerless glove on my drawing hand and, fortunately, reasonably sheltered from the wind etc.
Evening telly: ‘Art Club’ (which I really do love).
Image: Nameless boats at Pooles Wharf 

Thursday 4 March 2021

Thursday 4 March:

Had originally planned a dawn walk through Leigh Wood/along the Avon, but it was so grey and dull that I thought better of it… and ended up just doing my ‘usual’ harbourside circuit.
I’d watched a little cricket on the telly very first thing (and, once again, it was all a bit disastrous as far as England were concerned - 30-3 when I first tuned in… and ending up all out 205).
Noticed a mass of seagulls behaving rather strangely – and then saw the reason why (it was a drone!). I tried to take some rapid pics but, sadly, they all came out blurred!
Collected a book from StorySmith and some fruit+veg from Hugo’s… before taking in the Asda delivery just after lunch.
Ru worked in the studio from 11am to past 4pm.
Went to post office in afternoon to drop off Jeremy’s pre-paid parcel… it transpired that I was 17th in the queue(!) and there was just a single cashier operating. Needless to say, it took an AWFUL long time to get served (if ONLY my package had been small enough to have posted in the postbox!!). Hey ho!
Spoke to Iris by phone towards the end of the afternoon – and she seemed fine… she’s very much looking forward to returning to school (her year go back next Wednesday for Covid testing), but has enjoyed meeting up with individual friends for occasional walks. I also managed to chat to Rosa a little later (again, she sounded in good form – but was ‘dreading’ going back to school… we chatted about this and, hopefully, she’s now feeling a little more positive).
Evening telly: ‘McDonald+Dodds’ (crime-solvers!).
Image: new beginnings for someone? 

Wednesday 3 March:

Bloke’s Prayer, so no early morning walking (or ANY walking!).
Pretty uneventful day (apart from the Budget – which I didn’t really ‘follow’).
Checked out some possible urban sketching drawing locations for this coming Sunday… and made some preliminary ‘marks’ (but not brilliant).
Read more of my ‘Running’ book in the afternoon… interesting background/story, but I’m absolutely hating the writing style.
Evening Storysmith bookgroup zoom session (discussing Kiley Reid’s book). Very good to see father Dan there – probably just giving him an excuse to get out of some household duties! Interesting discussion – most people enjoyed the book (just a couple of us who had some reservations).
Evening telly: ‘Landscape artist’ final.
Image: Robert Wyatt stencil by Stewy (at the top of our road).

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Tuesday 2 March:

Went for my usual harbourside walk first thing… cold and grey. Just like yesterday, the day brightened up after lunch and there was bright sunshine.
Moira and I enjoyed our usual coffee+chat morning session.
The Drawing Group theme for the next fortnight is ‘Spring Flowers’ and so I decided to sketch our small irises in the garden (too cold to sketch insitu, I’m afraid – so I cheated!).
Nice to receive an email from Dan about tomorrow’s bookgroup AND that they were now proud parents of son Kip (born on 26 February).
Spent a little time putting together a playlist – using old ‘Windows Media Player’ stuff that I’d recently being playing (and had previously forgotten about)… rather nice to be reminded of lots of lovely old stuff!
In the afternoon, I re-watched ‘This Beautiful Fantastic’ film (from 2016) on catch-up… and very much enjoyed it (again).
In the evening, I had another zoom catch-up with Alan – it was lovely that it was just the two of us.
More ‘Running’ reading at bedtime!
Image: Garden Irises. 

Monday 1 March 2021

Monday 1 March:

A somewhat different Monday morning…
As the weather forecast for the afternoon looked reasonably bright, I decided on taking the first opportunity of the year for some en plain sketching! So I ended up pottering about all morning… morning coffee/catch up with Moira; re-reading my Blurb book text; preparing for Wednesday’s bookgroup and suchlike.
After lunch, I went down to the pharmacy and collected my prescription medications and then sat down in Bathurst Basin sketching yet more boats! I was well wrapped up (several layers!) but, in fact, it was actually quite pleasant in the sunshine.
Moira chatted to Alice (she seemed fine) and was informed that, from now on, Mikey has indicated that he wishes to be known as “Mike”! That’s quite something for him to decide on after a ‘lifetime’ of being known as Mikey.
Usual Monday evening telly: ‘Only Connect’ and ‘University Challenge’.
Image: First en plein sketch of the year!